The rates recovery company funds climate projects and plants trees to reduce its carbon footprint
Caritas has signed up to environmental subscription service, Ecologi, to become a climate positive workforce to help tackle climate change.
The initiative enables individuals and businesses to calculate and compensate their carbon footprint, fund climate projects and meet their eco goals.
Founded in 2019, Ecologi currently has 25,151 members who have collectively planted 24 million trees and reduced 822,656 tonnes of CO2. Ecologi’s plan is to reduce half the world’s emissions by 2040.
Since joining in the collective action, Caritas and its sister companies Fortress & Castle and Castle Express have offset 66.72 tonnes of CO2e by supporting the following projects:
- producing renewable wind energy in Bulgaria
- using waste biomass to produce electricity in Chile
- Preserving Amazonian rainforest in Brazil
- Solar power generation in Tamil Nadu and Telangana, India
66.72 tonnes of CO2e is equivalent to one of the following: 51 long haul flights, 200m2 of sea ice saved or 165,532 miles driven in a car.
The company has also, to date (Nov 2021), planted 10,172 real trees, supporting both reforestation projects in Mozambique and mangrove planting in Madagascar.
Furthermore, Caritas, Fortress & Castle and Castle Express have committed to planting trees across the world and locally in the UK every time an invoice is paid.
This will see the companies planting hundreds of trees each month. They have also committed to offsetting the CO2 emissions of their employees while at work. This is calculated based on the number of people in the team and their work-generated carbon footprint, compiled from basic day-to-day work activities, energy consumption and travel.
Discussing the decision to join Ecologi, Simon Fitzsimmons, Director of Client Services said: “Climate change is here and is already causing damage across the world, so it’s important that businesses of all sizes take action. We’re excited to have joined 8,255 other businesses working with Ecologi to prioritise climate leadership.”
To keep up-to-date with the projects Caritas are funding and to see the locations of the trees the company has planted, visit https://ecologi.com/castlecaritas