Industry-backed committee ‘will become a powerful resource within the hospitality industry and a force for change’
Energy management consultant Businesswise Solutions and trade body the British Hospitality Association (BHA) have partnered up, along with hospitality industry figureheads, to launch a new advisory board.
The board will meet quarterly to discuss energy concerns, challenges and energy-related cost saving tactics within the hospitality industry. Top of their agenda is to call upon the government to support tax breaks and reward-related carbon reduction targets within the sector.
Businesswise Solutions is now lobbying government ministers for more incentives to reduce carbon usage which would translate into savings for the industry. This comes at a time when many in the business are facing a host of increasing cost pressures, not least rising energy costs.
The board agreed that a centralised bank of information should be created for hospitality operators in order to share best practices and case studies.
Spearheading the initial discussions were Frazer Durris and Peter Catlow (Businesswise Solutions), Serge Shishkin (British Hospitality Association), Mike Saul (Head of Barclays Hospitality and Leisure Team), Kit Lennard (Frasers Hospitality Group), Eddie Keelan (The Doyle Collection), and Brendan Flood (UCFB Holdings Ltd, Real Estate Investments Group and Burnley FC).
Frazer Durris commented: “There are few schemes in place to incentivise the industry to reduce their carbon footprint. The sector needs government support to release hundreds of millions back in to the industry and make a major impact on the carbon reduction targets. It would benefit both the industry and help the government meet their targets.”
Frazer added: “Many businesses in the industry aren’t aware of behavioural changes and low-cost efficiency projects that can be implemented to reduce costs. The advisory board aims to spread this knowledge, enabling partners to enact savings from the front to back of house.
“We are looking forward to the next steps and growth of this advisory committee, which we are confident will become a powerful resource within the hospitality industry and a force for change.”
Serge Shishkin concluded: “Businesses from across the hospitality and tourism sector are facing the serious challenge of increasing cost pressures. It is more important now than ever before to look for efficiencies to ensure growth and on-going success.
“The BHA is delighted to be part of the Energy Advisory Board chaired by Businesswise Solutions; and, with energy being a major business cost, the BHA aims to help its members to facilitate the adoption of cost management strategies which in turn will help reduce costs as well as to lower their environmental impact.
Through assisting its members, the BHA has already seen great success in other areas around sustainability with real, tangible results being achieved. This focus on energy, sustainability and cost reduction will continue in 2018.”